AI in Action: Unleash your inner innovator

Wake up the curiosity of the young !

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This introductory course was built on four basic principles:

We teach AI for social good: the core of our program surrounds impacting society positively through AI.

Learning AI is fun: we put emphasis on learning through interaction and experimentation in a fun way, touching topics that students like or care about.

Project-based learning: students learn through exploring, learning, reflecting and applying knowledge to propose AI projects with teammates.

Knowledge was meant to be shared: our courses are designed to facilitate the discussion and sharing knowledge between students and family members at home. This way, we extend AI education to families.


Embarking on your AI learning journey is an incredible experience that awaits you in two parts. First up, we have “AI in Action: Unleash your inner innovator,” a short and exciting course designed to introduce you to the world of Artificial Intelligence and some fascinating applications. Once you complete this course, it’s time for the next level – “AI foundations: Unveiling the power of AI”.

Therefore, this short course does not have any requirement, just positive attitude and you are eager to learn.

Key concepts covered include:

      • Interaction on real time with AI technologies

      • Main AI applications

      • AI functions and limitations

      • Ethical issues in AI

      • Solving real world challenges with AI

      • AI inspired by nature


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    Course Includes

    • 5 Lessons
    • 21 Topics
    • 3 Quizzes